Snowfox kiosks selling fast – don’t miss out!

I always knew this franchise opportunity was going to attract a lot of attention, but even I am stunned by just how quickly people are leaping on the chance to own a YO! kiosk.

In just two months since this opportunity launched, the Snowfox team have already signed up new owners for 40 of their outlets, with another 25 under serious offer. Which means, more than half of the first 90 kiosks put up for franchise in this first phase have already gone.

One of the most fascinating things about this is that a large proportion of the new franchise owners were actually employees at the very kiosks they bought into! Some have worked there for years, and leapt at the chance to take over the business.

This really is a huge vote of confidence in the model, as well as the potential for the kiosks to grow beyond even the excellent customer base they already have. These are people who already know the business inside out from working on the front line. They know just how busy the kiosks get, how many customers visit each day, and just what a great business opportunity this is.

One newcomer snapped up the opportunity within just a few weeks of joining the local team. It’s not often you can say that someone who trained as staff ended up buying the business!

What kind of business owner are you?

Single unit owner-operators. If, like the stories above, you’re an aspiring small business owner who is looking to making their mark as their own boss, then taking on a single kiosk is probably the route for you. You’ll be able to work directly with customers and your team, and take pride in running your own business. Of course, you can always consider taking on more kiosks later!

Multi-unit managers. Have experience of running multiple teams and ambitions to take on a whole local network of several kiosks? As Snowfox kiosks are located in major supermarkets in almost every large town, you could easily run a group of kiosks in your local area.

Multi-unit & regional investors. For those looking for the next big investment to add to their business portfolio, why not take charge of a whole region? The next phase of kiosk franchising will be launching soon, so keep an eye out for some larger scale opportunities.

Whatever your long-term goals with a Snowfox kiosk, get your foot in the door before they’re all gone!

I’m getting literally hundreds of new enquiries for this opportunity every month, so if you’re seriously considering taking on your own Snowfox kiosk, I strongly recommend you act now.

These outlets are shifting faster off the market than their sushi does off the shelves, so don’t hang about! You don’t have to make a commitment today, but it’s definitely a good idea to register your interest as soon as possible and find out what is still available in the are you want.

You can do that by scheduling a call with me to talk through availability.

Likewise, if you have any questions at all about how this franchise works, I am always happy to take you through the details.

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